Global Conflict is again at hand

Global Conflict is again at hand with the upcoming title of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2. It is said to be one of the most ambitious Call of Duty ever and I must say I agree. Judging by the trailers out there either they know something about the future that we don’t or they have some wild imagination. The technological advances presented in the game are a thing of beauty. Treyarch again stood up to the task of leading the development of this new title and did a pretty well job with it too. I really hope this game meets your expectations cause even the Surprise” Live Action trailer left me with my jaw open. Well Gamers its time to head out and get our copies, remember we have to be ready for the upcoming ZOMBIE apocalypse and you know you can get any better training than Black Ops 2. Here’s a sneak peak about whats to come.

Credits for video go to the original author.

2 comments on “Global Conflict is again at hand

  1. Las gráficas del juego están bien awesome. Lo que no me gusta que el trama se volvió bien futurista, I kinda liked more the world at war idea of wars of history and current wars on other games.

    Kudos for your blog 🙂

    • Thumbs Up.No he tenido el tiempo para jugarlo pero si me puse a ver gamplay footage en youtube y tengo que admitir que el downer para mi es el que aun sique la costumbre del run and gun. En el video tu ves como el AI sigue atacando un area en especifico mientras el player va corriendo directo hacia donde el como si fuera un toro sin morir. No se esa forma de ver la guerra no me convence, ya que sabemos que si intentas eso en vida real estas X_X.Gracias por tu comentario y opinion.

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